Professional Experience
Joined as a Senior Developer, took on the role of Scrum Master part-time for a year and currently working as a Tech Lead.
The company serves its sole client, Pictet, a private bank. I have experienced various aspects of banking by joining different teams
and participated in several circles, the management bodies of the company (which operates with a flat hierarchy).
The company promotes team autonomy, self-organisation, self-training, sociocracy, innovation and excellence.
Team Pictet Asset Services - Front Efficiency
Joined to extract the legacy KYC (Know Your Customer) workflow into a new application.
- Developed a new modern KYC application and integrated the newly created KYC API.
Java 21Angular 19Spring Boot 3Spring Cloud GatewayTypeScript/JavaScriptNgRxDockerKubernetesOauth
Team Pictet Connect
Returned to the team as a part-time Scrum Master and part-time developer.
- Developed a new Forex feature for the main Pictet Connect application.
- Implemented minor evolutions to Pictet Connect.
- Contributed to the vision for modularizing and modernizing the legacy application.
Java 11Angular 12Spring 5AngularJSJSPJira
Team Backbase
Joined the newly formed team to integrate the Backbase product within Pictet.
- Evaluated the Backbase platform and contributed to its architecture.
- Developed mock applications to assist in onboarding Backbase developers.
- Migrated some internal APIs to a modern Spring Boot version and OpenAPI 3.
- Created a new application for securely storing client relationships.
Java 11Spring Boot 3NodeJSJavaScriptSpring Boot 2OpenAPI 3
Team Pictet Connect
Joined for a frontend request for a new portfolio analysis application.
The team manages the main client portal for internal and external asset managers.
- Developed a new portfolio analysis application with diagrams.
- Developed two new micro-services to feed the application
- Implemented enhancements to the main Pictet Connect application.
Java 11Spring Boot 3Spring 5Angular 8HighchartsAkitaJava 8JSP
Team Custody
Joined for a frontend migration request of an Angular application.
Contributed to other applications and microservices of the team.
- Added features to the application for managing transfers and payments (new blocks, PDF viewer, antivirus scanning for documents).
- Migrated the frontend of a market order management application from Apache Flex to Angular before Flash plugin decommissioning.
- Migrated the frontend of a PDF form template management application (dynamic field placement, etc.).
Java 8TypeScript/JavaScriptAngular 8ng-zorroAkitaAngularJS
Team PWM Risk
Managed applications in the client risk domain.
After a month, joined a two-person squad to work on integrating a cloud risk calculation tool (Axioma).
- Participated in developing a client risk tracking application.
- Created a dynamic query editor in Angular.
- Developed a new application acting as a gateway between the bank and Axioma.
- Built a new application to request and track risk tool results.
Java 8Spring BootSpringTypeScript/JavaScriptAngular 7PrimeNGHibernateSQLOracleAxioma
Circle - Corporate Engagement
- Collaboration and follow-up with e-Reputation, Events, and Green circles.
- Discussions about employee life topics (beverages, gifts, etc.).
- Designed a card game to foster discussions and interactions among employees.
AIStable DiffusionChatGPTAffinity Designer
Circle - e-Reputation and Communication
Circle responsible for the company's internal and external communication.
- Engaged in discussions and suggestions on designs (intranet, public website, posts, etc.).
- Created social media posts.
- Collaborated with various circles to publish content.
Circle - Events
Created the Events Circle to centralize proposals and ideas, manage an annual budget, handle recurring events, and establish an annual calendar.
Circle - Solution Design and Architecture Design
In collaboration with the bank's architects, the circle is responsible for technology watch, defining best practices,
conducting POCs on various technologies, ensuring code quality, and maintaining cybersecurity.
- Developed a Tech Radar.
- Analyzed Tech Radar changes, provided estimates, and marketing.
- Evaluated the use of the Kotlin programming language.
- Developed coding guidelines in the form of ADRs (Architecture Decision Records).
- Explored AI integration and its guidelines.
KotlinADRJava 11Spring Boot 2Angular 9
Other Activities
- Conducted interviews for new candidates.
- Redesigned interview exercises and created new topics.
- Rewrote interview exercises to consider generative AI tools (GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, etc.).
Project at Post Luxembourg
Full-stack developer in the team, contributing to the development of internal and public APIs, as well as public websites.
- Developed internal/public APIs with Play! Framework
- Microservices architecture using Docker/Kubernetes
- Front-end development with Angular 7
- Contributed to front-end design
- Proposed improvements to the existing structure
JavaTypeScript/JSAngular 7Protractor/KarmaPlay! FrameworkMaven/npm/SBTDockerKubernetesAgile
Project at RBC
As part of the RBC One project aimed at creating a modern client portal, no fewer than nine "labs" collaborated towards this common goal. Two labs based in Luxembourg handled the client "Registry" section. My mission was within the Registry lab, which focused on developing treasury management applications (Account Opening, Cloning, Investors, etc.).
- Developed various components of applications such as Account Opening, Account Cloning, Investor, Permission Service, Share Class Details, and Reports
- Structured the application with microservices integrated into a global client portal (proxy, reverse-proxy, caching, ...)
- Implemented backend applications in a containerless environment (Netflix stack: Eureka/Feign/Zuul)
- Followed Agile/SAFe (Scaled Agile) methodology: grooming, planning, tasking, ...
- Continuous Integration with Jenkins 2 (pipelines) and quality control with SonarQube
- Participated in the "UI Champions" community to provide guidelines and work on the design system
- Worked in an English-speaking international environment
AgileJava 8TypeScript/JSAngularJS/Angular 6NgRx/RxJSProtractor/Karma/Jasmine/RobotSpring BootMaven/npmWebSphereContainerlessDocker
Development of administration and statistics tools for Documentum, a suite of solutions for electronic document management, in Java/J2EE.
Full project cycle, from functional requirements analysis to deployment for end users.
Development of a 3D visualization module in C++ for the software, enabling the development and simulation of automated and embedded systems.
Full project cycle, from functional requirements analysis to deployment for end users.
Foreign Languages
- French, native language
- English, good level (975 points in TOEIC)
- Japanese, basic knowledge
Engineering program at TELECOM Nancy, formerly ESIAL (Ecole Supérieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine),
University Henri Poincaré Nancy 1. Specialization in Software Engineering.
First and second-year Bachelor's degree in Mathematics-Computer Science at University Henri Poincaré Nancy 1.
& Trainings
- The Phoenix Project: a novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping your business win
- Hands-on - Microservices with Kotlin
- Java 8 in Action
- MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
- Build your own PaaS with Docker
- Continuous Delivery and DevOps - A Quickstart Guide
- Mastering LibGDX Game Development
- Jumpstart to 2D Game Development Godot 4
- Udemy - Apache Maven Beginner to Guru
- Udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2 (NG6 update)
- XP Days Benelux 2022
- Voxxed Days Luxembourg 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022
- Devoxx Paris 2018
- Activiti Days Paris 2015
- Devoxx Antwerp 2015
- Process Communication Model (OZ Consulting)
- Certification PSM1 (Professional Scrum Master)
- UCI training (investment funds)
- Banking Knowledge - The Swiss Banking Environment (ISFB)
- Process Communication Training
- Software Craftsmanship Training
- Agile/SAFe Training
- IFBL Training (Institut de Formation Bancaire Luxembourg) : Banking for Non-Bankers
- Security Awareness : Introduction to security in programming, platform hardening, advanced HTML5, and HTTP
- EMC Documentum Training : WDK Advanced, D2 Configuration
- EMC Documentum Certification : Content Management Foundations
- Kofax Ascent Capture Training
- koi koi gravity : gravity-based space game 2025 Godot
- shikisai : mobile puzzle game with color gradient mechanics 2024 Godot
- skitt : online game clone of Skribbl with advanced features (palette, history, etc.) 2021 AngularKotlin
- : setup of a private server for hosting Java applications with CI/CD VPSCircleCIGithub Actionsnginx
- birubrew : web application for preparing beer brewing batches 2020 KotlinAngularSpring BootMySQL
- beerstats : web application for evaluating craft beers with a statistics dashboard and an information crawler 2017 KotlinAngularSpring BootMySQL
- keto : web application for dynamic questionnaires and data collection 2015 JavaAngularJS
- lenstats : website for aggregating, analyzing, and comparing camera lenses 2010 PHP
- : development of a European community website 2005 PHPHTMLAjax
- Industrial Project : development of a load-balancing library C++NIST
- Introduction to Research Project : improvement of an A.I. Java
- Brain Training Platform : training games JavaJDBC
- Video Game : development of a strategic video game CSDL
AngularAngularJSJUnit/MockitoProtractorKarmaRobotActivitiSpring MVCSpring DataSpring SecuritySpring BootSpring OAuthSpring Cloud GatewayEurekaFeignZuulDockerKubernetesDocumentum/WDKAndroidGoogle Web ToolkitSymfonyCakePHPCodeIgniterTwitter BootstrapFoundation
IntelliJ IDEABalsamiq MockupsPostmanEclipseNetBeansVisual StudioMicrosoft VisioVisual ParadigmDreamweaverAdobe PhotoshopAffinity Publisher/DesignerDaVinci ResolveWin'DesignGitSVNGodot 4StableDiffusionArtificial IntelligenceChatGPTGithub Copilot
WebSphere 8.5Tomcat 7/8/9Apachenginx